Corn Earworm. Photo: NC State

How to Control Tomato Fruitworm / Corn Earworm

Tomato fruitworm is a common pest that can damage tomato plants. The larvae of the tomato fruitworm feed on the fruits of tomatoes, causing them to become infested with brown or black spots. In severe infestations, the fruits may become completely destroyed.

There are a number of ways to control tomato fruitworm. Here are some tips:

  • Inspect your plants regularly. Look for signs of tomato fruitworm damage, such as brown or black spots on the fruits. If you see any damage, take action immediately to control the pest.
  • Handpick the larvae. If you find any larvae on your plants, handpick them and destroy them. This is the most effective way to control the pest in small infestations.
  • Use pheromone traps. Pheromone traps can be used to attract and trap male tomato fruitworms. This will help to reduce the number of adults that are able to mate and lay eggs.
  • Apply insecticides. If the infestation is severe, you may need to apply insecticides to control the pest. Be sure to use an insecticide that is labeled for use on tomatoes and that is safe for use in gardens.

Here are some additional tips for controlling tomato fruitworm:

  • Rotate your crops. Do not plant tomatoes in the same area year after year. This will help to break the pest’s life cycle and reduce the chances of an infestation.
  • Plant resistant varieties. There are a number of tomato varieties that are resistant to tomato fruitworm. Planting these varieties can help to reduce your risk of an infestation.
  • Keep your garden clean. Remove any weeds or debris from your garden. This will help to create a less favorable environment for tomato fruitworm.
  • Use Insect Growing Degree Day Model to track pest lifecycle. Using the Pest Prophet app can help use models combined with localized weather data to predict when different lifecycle stages will occur. Learn more about this model.